

Welcome to the Boredom zone...

Where everything is one and the same. Shucks. The past few days were good and all, but now... everything is rather mundane. Nothing new under the sun, so to speak. I have some stuff that needs to be done, but I just can't muster the strenght to do them.


I have three rpg characters that still need to be written. I have to transfer some files from my stationary PC to my laptop. I need to look for a place to stay, should it be that I can move out... and I have to get the answer I want from Uni. That won't happen for another few weeks though. Crap. I want to know now. I don't want to stay in this limboesque place, where nothing new happens, because you don't know what the future will bring.

... and I need to go buy some more milk and food stuff tomorrow.


At Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:15:00 am, Blogger Angfiel mumbled something about...

Ja jag vill också veta! Vill ha dig hit till Linköping! *gosa på*

At Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:45:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous mumbled something about...

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