

Welcome to the Boredom zone...

Where everything is one and the same. Shucks. The past few days were good and all, but now... everything is rather mundane. Nothing new under the sun, so to speak. I have some stuff that needs to be done, but I just can't muster the strenght to do them.


I have three rpg characters that still need to be written. I have to transfer some files from my stationary PC to my laptop. I need to look for a place to stay, should it be that I can move out... and I have to get the answer I want from Uni. That won't happen for another few weeks though. Crap. I want to know now. I don't want to stay in this limboesque place, where nothing new happens, because you don't know what the future will bring.

... and I need to go buy some more milk and food stuff tomorrow.


Bullet update

I've decided that since the stupid bullets seem without intent to stay where they're supposed to, I'll just have them removed all together. Take that, stupid bullets!

A fairly good day...

Well, yes. I have to say, all in all, this was a fairly good day. Woke up around 11, had a shower, checked my mail, the usual. Then I went to town to find a game I had seen in one of the game stores. Sadly enough, it had already been sold by the time I got there. Terrible shame, really.
I was told there was a copy at another store, but it'd take way too long to get there by bus and the extra travel costs didn't make it worth the effort. Fortunately, we have several other game stores where I live, so I went to another to see if they had a copy.

They did, but it was a tad more expensive than I had expected. I decieded to try my luck at the next game story, figuring I could always go back and buy from store numero 2, should the price be wrong. My bus ticket was still valid, so I guess you could call it a free ride over.

I arrive at the game store and lo and behold, they DO have the game. AND a sale, making all PS2 games half price. So, I got the game for 125 Swedish crowns (roughly 16US$ or £9)! I'd say that was a pretty sweet deal, seeing how all the other stores wanted the double, or more! To top it off, I get the busride home for free as well, as the money counting thingy thing whatsitsname was out of function.

Now, worship my loot:



It's still not working. I even tried changing places on everything! Why is it that it looks perfectly fine at a preview, yet as soon as I save it, it goes wrong again? And it's not just my computer, it's not just this resolution. There's something wrong with it!


Why won't the blog do what I want it to?! Everything looks pretty enough, unless you check my Hitlist... then you'll notice that the list bullets are completely out of whack. Anyone know what might be causing this, feel free to let me know.

Pardon the mess, we're remodeling


Teh Pink!

See, I felt like I just had to make my blog painfully pink after I realized one of my friends had redone her previously pink blog into something... dare I say it? BLUE. O.O

So, to weigh up for her onslaught of blue, I paint mine pink instead. There's still some stuff to be tweaked, but I think it's starting to look rather pretty now. :3

Only thing that bugs me right now is the text up top. It ruins my pretty banner. Ah, well, I'll remove it in a sec...

Assuming it's possible and I figure out how, of course.

And behold! For the annoying text at the top hath vanished! :O I express my shock through dance! *gets jiggy with it*


Numfar, do the dance of betrayal!

Ack, ack, ack...

Jag som alltid sagt att jag är en Nintendo-människa i grund och botten. So much for that. Den fjortonde Juli, 2006, klockan 23.nånting, köpte jag ett PS2.



Fast det var bara tusen kronor och jag fick fem spel med. Whei. Speciellt Whei över Final Fantasy X och Kingdom Hearts. Hade inte de spelen ingått hade jag aldrig ens ringt på annonsen.

... Sen ingick GTA: Vice City, GTA: San Andreas och V-Rally 3 också. Fast jag bytte in GTA: SA, för att kunna köpa en ny kontroll lite billigare. :o Nu säger alla att San Andreas är ett megabra spel och att man inte ska byta in det. Jahapp. Det var ju lite sent för det, grargh. Nåja, jag har aldrig gillat GTA-serien så överdrivet. Och har ju fortfarande Vice City, om det skulle vara så. Skivan var tydligen för repig för att tv-spelsbutiker ska tänka sig vilja ta in det. Häpp.

Kingdom Hearts växer på en. ^_^ Underbart fint spel, speciellt med Simba som summon. :B
FFX är inte illa det heller. Fast det har jag ju spelat innan. Visserligen var det en tre och ett halvt år sen eller så, men jag kommer ännu ihåg saker. Spooky. O.O Tur att jag inte vet hur det slutar.

På måndag ska jag in till GAME och se om de inte har .hack//INFECTION! Har ju sett största delen av .hack//SIGN animén, utspelar sig före spelen, och jag har .hack mangan också, som utspelar sig efter spelet. :O Alltså... måste spela spel! PS2 har verkligen många bra RPG. :o



Det svider när man inser att man inte är bäst på någonting utan bara en medelmåtta. :|