All good things must come to an end..
And so must the bad. Like this blog. I'm not feeling it anymore. I think I'll just shut this project down. I have another blog up already, and I'm writing in it. If anyone is reading this, and feels like they want to know what's going on in my life, comment on this article with your email. I might feel like giving you the new link. :P
just trying to be different, like everybody else...
Much has happened since my last update in 2007... as would be expected, really. >_> Or do people really think I don't have life enough for something exciting to happen in a year? Shame on you!
Anyways, I don't think I'll start blogging regularly again, but who knows, it might just happen. Maybe if I make it a daily habit... not sure.
Nothing to report today, though. ._.
Another 3Ds Max thingy thing

Ish the Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts. :3
Stuff I've done in 3ds Max
Because I won't be left alone if I don't flaunt my stuff. :P

Let's see... what's new since last post?
I dropped out of Uni...
I moved back home...
I started looking for a job...
I got meself a boyfriend...
I'm still looking for a job, but now I'm thinking studies come fall...
Yeah, that's about it.